LAB Golf is a 6-9 week golf program that has been put together using minimal at home equipment such as dumbbells, benches, mini bands and a foam roller.The program is broken up into 3 different phases;
PHASE 1 : MOVEMENT PREP – In this first phase our goal is to wake up unused muscles, mobilize your joints, and take your body through new movement patterns. By the end of this phase, we will have you moving correctly and efficiently, activating proper muscles groups, and feeling confident and prepared for upcoming programs that will require more output and attention to detail.
PHASE 2: STRENGTH/POWER THROUGH MOVEMENT – The plan for this program is to build off the prerequisites we’ve learned in phase 1 and transfer them into strong and powerful movements. We take a step forward into more complex exercises with an emphasis on building strong and durable bodies that will take you through golf season injury free.
PHASE 3: SPEED/CONTROL THROUGH ROTATION – The main attraction throughout this phase is to learn how to take the mobility, movement patterns, and strength that we’ve gained during the first two phases and put it all together. Taking movements we have now mastered and adding rotational force to create optimal swing speed and control.
Each phase consists of 3 different 45 mins workouts to be done for 2-3 weeks each before moving onto the next phase. There is a total of 9 workouts in this program that are lead by Adam Bracken and Matt Robinson (Head Pro at Rideau View Golf Course).
Phase 1: Released on March 15th
Phase 2: Released on March 29th
Phase 3: Released on April 12th
The program will have early bird pricing up until Monday March 15th at $99.99 then will go up to $125.00 on March 16th.
It is purchased as a bundle package as a 1 time fee and the program will be yours to keep. It can be downloaded off the platform and saved onto computer for life.
It does NOT give you access to the TFL FORMULA. Just gives you access to the GOLF workouts.